Brew Up Learning Enthusiasm with Popups in Education Industry

Popups can be your best friend while announcing educational events, gathering registration forms, and engaging with students.

Brew Up Learning Enthusiasm with Popups in Education Industry

Use Cases for the Education Industry

From announcing open dates to offering scholarship options, let’s discover the ways together and get inspired!

You can both collect email addresses if you include a form element and engage with your potential students for the first time.

Pro Tip

Using a countdown can help you provide a sense of urgency and a reminder.

Student clubs are students’ favorites! They provide extracurricular activities for students. Therefore, announcing their events might help you increase the interaction on your website as well.

Announcing the opening day will increase interaction on the field. The more interesting a popup design is, the more people will tend to interact with it.

Scholarship opportunities put smiles on faces since they are resources for funding the education process. Informing people about scholarships will help you reach more students than ever.

By collecting the form, you can find the related internship for the related people.

If you are an educational institution interested in your students' future, you might want to share job opportunities as well. You can direct your students to the page where all opportunities exist.

Pro Tip

Floating bar is a good choice for opportunities for the ones who really want to engage.