Create ikas Popups Easily & Free with Popupsmart

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Do you want to grow your online store with an ikas popup using Popupsmart?

With popups you create with Popupsmart, you can showcase your products, reduce cart abandonment and increase social followers.

Personalizing your popup campaigns take only a few clicks thanks to the advanced targeting solutions Popupsmart offers. This way, you can reach the right customer at the right time!

How To Create A Popup With Popupsmart For ikas

Now let's see the steps to create an ikas popup with Popupsmart.

1.Sign up for Popupsmart and log in to your account.

popupsmart registration step

2. Click the "Embed Code" to get your embed code and a modal will open and give you your unique Popupsmart embed code. Copy the code to your clipboard.

getting the embed code from popupsmart

3. Then, go to your ikas website’s admin and choose your sales channel.

choosing ikas sales channel

4. Continue with “Extensions” and scroll down to “Add Script”.

extensions section on ikas admin

5. Then, paste your Popupsmart embed code and name your script. Don’t forget to “Save” it!

adding the embed code to ikas

6. Go back to your Popupsmart dashboard and click on “Websites” from your profile. Then, click “+New Website” to add your ikas domain.

adding new website to popupsmart

7. Then, enter your ikas domain to the modal that shows up and save.

adding ikas domain to popupsmart

If you see your ikas website unverified, click the “Unverified” button.

unverified button on dashboard

From the opening modal, click “Verify website.”

verify website button

You’ll be directed to your ikas website and see a notification popup that says your installation is verified.

verified website notification

Go back to your Popupsmart dashboard and click “Refresh.” Your website will be refreshed.

refresh button on the modal

For further details about the verification of your website, see How to Verify Your Website.

8. Now, you can create your popup campaign by navigating to the dashboard and clicking on the “New Campaign” button.

creating a new campaign

9. You can choose a ready-to-convert popup template and, if you wish, customize it to your liking. When you are done, click on “Save” and “Publish”.

popupsmart publish step

You will see the “Your campaign has been published successfully” modal when your ikas is published.

successfully published modal

Now your ikas popup is ready to help you reach your business goals effortlessly!

Enjoy your conversions!

Need a hand? Contact Popupsmart!

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