# What Is Scheduling On Popup Builder?

Do you want to create time-sensitive popup campaigns?

With Popupsmart, you can schedule your popups to display them between a start and end date that you will set.

Follow the steps below to learn how to schedule popup campaigns on the popup builder.

1. After logging into your Popupsmart account, create/edit a popup campaign. On the popup builder screen, navigate to the “Segment” section and click “Edit Segment.” (If it’s a new campaign, click the two circular arrows to choose a predefined segment or create one from scratch in “My Segment.”)

scheduled popups edit segment

2. Click “Add audience targeting” under Audience. Then, click “Add” next to “Schedule Date and Time”.

schedule date and time button

3. From the drop-down, you can choose a date and time range to display your popups, such as “Today”, “Next 7 days”, “Next 30 days,” and so on.

date and time schedule dropdown

4. You can also create a custom time by clicking “Custom”.

custom scheduling of popups

5. Once you set the scheduled date and time, you can publish your popup by clicking the “Publish” step on the left-hand panel.

publish step of scheduled popup

✅ You can also see the Targeting Summary in the “Publish” step.

Have more questions about scheduling on Popupsmart? Contact Us!